
Health Disclosure Document
Mr. Paskett

School Phone: 801-763-7050
Office Hours: 7:15-7:45 a.m. and 12:10-12:50 p.m. Room 901
Text: Glencoe Health (yellow cover)

Course Description: The mission of Health Education is to provide each student with a knowledge and understanding of pertinent health issues.  This knowledge and understanding should serve as a foundation for healthy decision-making and promotion of healthy lifestyles.  The goal of this class is to increase self-efficacy and enjoyment in life.

Required supplies:
·      Writing utensils
·      Three ring binder
·      Notebook with lined paper
·      3X5 cards for daily quizzes

Grades: Here is the breakdown:

            Exams 50%
            Homework 25%
            Participation 20%
Daily, on-time quiz 5%

Exams (50%) will be given at the end of each section studied in class.  All mid-terms will be worth 10% of the final grade.  Homework (25%) will be given occasionally and is designed to help students review and expound on concepts learned in class.  Participation and projects (20%) will be worked on throughout the semester with check-point update meetings with the teacher and will be presented before the class.  Daily quiz (5%) is a simple four to five question review of previously studied material.  If students come, participate, and show the teacher that they are actually trying, then they will receive full participation points.

Grading scale:
            93-100% = A                        76-79% = C+                        60-62% = D-
            90-92% = A-                        73-75% = C                        Below 59% = Incomplete
            86-89% = B+                        70-72% = C-
            83-85% = B                        66-69% = D+
            80-82% = B-                        63-65% = D

Classroom expectations: Rules will help us have an environment that is conducive to learning. 
1.     Come prepared and ready to learn.
2.     Respect themselves, others, and the teacher.
If these two rules are kept, as I expect they will be, we will have an enjoyable semester.

Attendance/Late work/absences: If it was an excused absence then the students will have 2 additional days to turn the assignment in.  If it is unexcused then I will not accept any late work. However, I will allow one late assignment per term.  The students will only receive a maximum of 70% on the assignment.  The important thing is for the students to actually do the assignment, as it will be vital to their learning and preparing for the unit exam.
Regular Attendance: Daily attendance is expected.  Points are earned every day the student attends class and participate.  An absence will result in a loss of these points.  Excused absences will still give the student a chance to get full points on the assignment but it is their responsibility to come to me when they are back and ask for any missed assignments. Students are expected to adhere to the school attendance policies in relation to home excuses, school excused absences, and schools admit slips and tardy bell schedule.

Cell phone/Ipod/Electronic Devices: The use of these in our class is a violation of our school policy and will be confiscated if used or seen during class.

Extra Credit: I believe that extra credit does actually have to be something extra.  In order to receive extra credit students must approach me with an idea of a project or paper that they can prepare and present in front of the class.  This will be worth 1-2% points on the final grade.

Student’s Name Printed

Class Period

Lone Peak Health Department
Mr. Paskett

Yes, I have read Mr. Paskett’s disclosure for Health and am willing to follow the class policies as outlined.

Student’s Signature

Yes, I have read Mr. Paskett’s disclosure for Health and am willing to help my student follow the class policies as outlined.

Parent’s Signature                                             Home Phone Number

                                                                        Work/Cell Number

                                                                        Email Address